break the wall by reading this ..

break the wall by reading this ..

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The five love languages quiz

According to Dr. Gary Chapman, unhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don’t understand our partner’s requirements, or even our own. We all have a “ love tank” that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there  are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others. Dr. Chapman’s divides love languages into five categories: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch.

The Quiz
For each of statements choose the one that fits you best within your marriage or relationship. Try to answer every pair. If you are not currently married or in relationship, try to imagine how you would like to be treated if you were…. Or even think about how you like to be treated by family members and/or close friends. When you finish the quiz, follow the directions on page 3.

1.    I like receive encouraging or affirming notes  A
I like to be hugged   E
2.    I like to spend one to one time with close friends  B
I feel loved when someone gives me practical help   D
3.    I like it when people give me gifts  C
I like leisurely visits with friends and loved ones   B
4.    I feel loved when people do things to help me  D
I feel loved when people give me a reassuring hand shake or hug   E
5.    I feel loved when someone I love or admire puts their arm around me  E
I feel loved when I received a gift from someone I admire or love   C
6.    I like to go places with friends or loved ones  B
I like to high-five or slap around with friends who are special to me   E
7.    Visible symbol of love ( such as gifts ) are important to me  C
I feel loved when people affirm me   A
8.    I like to sit close to people I enjoy being around  E
I like it when people tell me I’m attractive/ handsome   A
9.    I like to spend time with friends and loved ones  B
I like to receive little gifts from friends and loved ones   C
10. Words of acceptance are important to me  A
I know someone loves me when he or she helps me   D
11. I like being together and doing things with friends & loved ones  B
I like it when kind words are spoken to me   A
12. What someone does affects me far more than what they say  D
Hugs make me feel connected and valued   E
13. I value praise and try to avoid criticism   A
Several small gifts mean more to me than one large gift   C
14. I feel close to someone when we are talking or doing something together   B
I feel closer to friends & loved ones when we wrestle, hug or shake hands   E
15. I like for people to complement my achievements   A
I know people love me when they do things for me they don’t enjoy doing   D
16. I like for people to cross the street to shake hands or hug when they see me   E
I like when people listen to me & show genuine interest in what I’m saying   B
17. I feel loved when friends and loved ones help me with jobs or projects   D
I really enjoy receiving gifts from friends and loved ones   C
18. I like for people to complement my appearance   A
I feel loved when people take time to understand my feelings   B
19. I feel secure when a special person is physically close to me   E
Acts of service make me feel loved   D
20. I appreciate the many things that special people do for me   D
I like to received gifts that special people make for me   C
21. I really enjoy the feeling I get when someone gives me undivided attention   B
I really enjoy the feeling I get when someone does some acts to serve me   D
22. I feel loved when a person celebrates my birthday with a gift   C
I feel loved when a person celebrates my birthday with meaningful words   A
23. I know a person is thinking of me when they give me a gift   C
I feel loved when a person helps me with my chores or tasks   D
24. I appreciate it when someone listens patiently and doesn’t interrupt me   B
I appreciate it when someone remembers special days with a gift   C
25. I like knowing loved ones are concern enough to help with my daily tasks   D
I enjoy extended trips with someone who is special to me   B
26. I don’t mind the “kiss-hello” with friends I am close to   E
Receiving a gift for no special reason excites me   C
27. I like to be told that I am appreciated   A
I like for a person to look at me when they are talking   B
28. Gifts from a friend or loved one are always special to me   C
I feel good when a friend or loved one hugs or touches me   E
29. I feel loved when a person enthusiastically does some task I have requested   D
I feel loved when I am told how much I am appreciated   A
30. I need physical contact with people everyday   E
I need words of encouragement and affirmation everyday   A
Now go to your quiz again and count up how many ‘A’s you circled and place the number in below. Next count Bs, then Cs and so on. The highest possible score for many one letter is 12.

Totals : A:________  B:________  C:________  D:_________ E:_________

What’s your highest score? Each letter corresponds with a “love language” listed below:


What is your primary love language? Be sure to write it below.
If you have two equal high scores : you’re may be “bilingual”
If you have one high score and a second close to it, then you value both languages as important to you  (a secondary language)

My primary love language is ______________________
My secondary love language is   ___________________

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