break the wall by reading this ..

break the wall by reading this ..

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The five love languages

è Words of  affirmation means exactly that spoken words used to encourage and compliment your loved ones.
è Quality time means spending quite, undistracted moments with your loved ones. This means turning off the television, computer, radio or “kids” just to sit on the couch and look at your mate while he or she shares his or her life with you.
è Receiving gifts means giving  things for your loved ones. These gifts do not have to be expensive items. Ask any mom to show you her most precious gift from a small child- more than likely she will pull out a drawing, piece of art, or letter written to her by her child.
è Acts of service means doing things for your loved ones such as washing the car, painting the living room, picking up clothes, washing the dishes, and doing laundry before the perceived “nagging” starts. In other words, you as the mate, initiate the acts of service.
è Physical touch includes any physical touch, such as hugging, kissing, squeezes on shoulder, a pat on the back, a touch of the face and an arm around the waist.

The five love languages quiz

According to Dr. Gary Chapman, unhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don’t understand our partner’s requirements, or even our own. We all have a “ love tank” that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there  are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others. Dr. Chapman’s divides love languages into five categories: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch.

The Quiz
For each of statements choose the one that fits you best within your marriage or relationship. Try to answer every pair. If you are not currently married or in relationship, try to imagine how you would like to be treated if you were…. Or even think about how you like to be treated by family members and/or close friends. When you finish the quiz, follow the directions on page 3.

1.    I like receive encouraging or affirming notes  A
I like to be hugged   E
2.    I like to spend one to one time with close friends  B
I feel loved when someone gives me practical help   D
3.    I like it when people give me gifts  C
I like leisurely visits with friends and loved ones   B
4.    I feel loved when people do things to help me  D
I feel loved when people give me a reassuring hand shake or hug   E
5.    I feel loved when someone I love or admire puts their arm around me  E
I feel loved when I received a gift from someone I admire or love   C
6.    I like to go places with friends or loved ones  B
I like to high-five or slap around with friends who are special to me   E
7.    Visible symbol of love ( such as gifts ) are important to me  C
I feel loved when people affirm me   A
8.    I like to sit close to people I enjoy being around  E
I like it when people tell me I’m attractive/ handsome   A
9.    I like to spend time with friends and loved ones  B
I like to receive little gifts from friends and loved ones   C
10. Words of acceptance are important to me  A
I know someone loves me when he or she helps me   D
11. I like being together and doing things with friends & loved ones  B
I like it when kind words are spoken to me   A
12. What someone does affects me far more than what they say  D
Hugs make me feel connected and valued   E
13. I value praise and try to avoid criticism   A
Several small gifts mean more to me than one large gift   C
14. I feel close to someone when we are talking or doing something together   B
I feel closer to friends & loved ones when we wrestle, hug or shake hands   E
15. I like for people to complement my achievements   A
I know people love me when they do things for me they don’t enjoy doing   D
16. I like for people to cross the street to shake hands or hug when they see me   E
I like when people listen to me & show genuine interest in what I’m saying   B
17. I feel loved when friends and loved ones help me with jobs or projects   D
I really enjoy receiving gifts from friends and loved ones   C
18. I like for people to complement my appearance   A
I feel loved when people take time to understand my feelings   B
19. I feel secure when a special person is physically close to me   E
Acts of service make me feel loved   D
20. I appreciate the many things that special people do for me   D
I like to received gifts that special people make for me   C
21. I really enjoy the feeling I get when someone gives me undivided attention   B
I really enjoy the feeling I get when someone does some acts to serve me   D
22. I feel loved when a person celebrates my birthday with a gift   C
I feel loved when a person celebrates my birthday with meaningful words   A
23. I know a person is thinking of me when they give me a gift   C
I feel loved when a person helps me with my chores or tasks   D
24. I appreciate it when someone listens patiently and doesn’t interrupt me   B
I appreciate it when someone remembers special days with a gift   C
25. I like knowing loved ones are concern enough to help with my daily tasks   D
I enjoy extended trips with someone who is special to me   B
26. I don’t mind the “kiss-hello” with friends I am close to   E
Receiving a gift for no special reason excites me   C
27. I like to be told that I am appreciated   A
I like for a person to look at me when they are talking   B
28. Gifts from a friend or loved one are always special to me   C
I feel good when a friend or loved one hugs or touches me   E
29. I feel loved when a person enthusiastically does some task I have requested   D
I feel loved when I am told how much I am appreciated   A
30. I need physical contact with people everyday   E
I need words of encouragement and affirmation everyday   A
Now go to your quiz again and count up how many ‘A’s you circled and place the number in below. Next count Bs, then Cs and so on. The highest possible score for many one letter is 12.

Totals : A:________  B:________  C:________  D:_________ E:_________

What’s your highest score? Each letter corresponds with a “love language” listed below:


What is your primary love language? Be sure to write it below.
If you have two equal high scores : you’re may be “bilingual”
If you have one high score and a second close to it, then you value both languages as important to you  (a secondary language)

My primary love language is ______________________
My secondary love language is   ___________________

Friday, October 28, 2011


ceta hari ini..

org slalu tanya aku kalau g sarawak..nak jalan kt mna??apa yg bes kt sarawak?? nah..aku dh listkn tempat2 yg bes d sekeliling miri..kt kawasan lain aku xtau sbb xpernah pegi..aku nak slongkar bhagian miri pn xabis..banyak tempat yg aku xpernah pegi..

    ni aku xtau nak nyatakan tempat apa ni..p sapa2 yang nak makan seafood..kt cni la tempat dia..pemandangan sunset dari tempat ni sgt cantik..aku pernah pegi cni b4 buka puasa dgn mak angkat gara2 nak tgk sunset..terletak di tepi pantai miri...ada org kata ada org pakai kapal layar kt kwsn dekat2 marina bay...betul kot...kt cni ada 1 ikon kuda laut yg dbuat n kuda laut ni boleh dilihat dr jauh...sgt menonjol..


yg ni aku xtau pasai apa ..ahahha...xpnah pegi..p mcm bes...yg aku tau tempat ni ada menang anugerah ntah pa ntah..anugrah hutan la tu..p aku akn dtg tempat ni 1 hari nanti...ehheh


aku xnak la explen pasai pa gua ni popular sbb suma org tau kn??aku xpnah pegi cni p aku pnah limpas je time ptandingan rentas desa antara skolah d daerah subis..cantek..aku nak g gak ni!!


tempat ni menang anugrah hutan plg berdioversiti..apa tu??ntah..aku pn xtau..slaah eja kot..p mcm tu la bunyi dia..yg ni national park..ada jambatan gantun..dapat nampak dari jalan besar g miri...aku pn xpah pg lg..ada air terjun kt cni n sgt cantik..


tasi loagan bunut ni tletak kt daerah baram...sejam dari kampung aku..tapi malangnya aku xpnah pg jgk..aahahh...tasik semulajadi yg tbesar d sarawak...air tawar la of koz..ehhe..sapa p sni boleh amik pngalaman naik bot..n tengok rumah atas air...sapa nak mkn ikan air tawar??sgt banyak kt cni..n ada org kata bila tasik ni surut air dia,,motosikal boleh lalu kt dasar dia...aku xtau betul ke x..


ceta hari aku nak ceta ckit sal miri..apa yg ada kt miri..p post ni aku fokuskn dulu kt MIRI BINTANG MEGAMALL or org miri slalu panggil Parkson..apa yg ada dlm tu?? tunggu..meh aku senaraikan apa yg ada..setakat yg aku ingt..COFFEE BEAN, STARBUCK, BIG APPLE, KFC, MCD,POPULAR, PIZZAHUT, SHUSHI KING, MARRYBROWN, KENNY ROGER, GOLDEN SCREEN CINEMA, SECRET RECIPES, COOLBLOG, TOY R US...n mcm2 lg yg aku sendri xlarat nak ingt...ehheheh..kt bwh ni  sdikit gambaran sal mall tu...kalau dtg miri xpijak kaki g mall ni xlogik...

besar kn mall tu???

aku xsure panggung ni masih kt situ or dh pindah g merdeka mall

sedap ..

sentiasa ramai org 

sushi yg mahal

my feveret




Majlis Rumah Terbuka Malaysia Tahun Baru Cina 2011 yang diadakan di Dataran Kipas, Miri pada 6 Februari 2011 telah mendapat sambutan yang sangat menggalakkan daripada penduduk-penduduk bandaraya Miri.
Majlis yang bertemakan Jalinan Mesra 1Malaysia telah dihadiri kira-kira 25,000 orang termasuk pelancong dari dalam dan luar negara seperti Sabah, Brunei dan Indonesia. Ini merupakan julung-julung kalinya Majlis Rumah Terbuka Malaysia Tahun Baru Cina diadakan di luar Semenanjung Malaysia. Dalam pada itu pemilihan bandaraya Miri sebagai lokasi sambutan sangat bersesuaian memandangkan jumlah penduduk Cina di Miri berjumlah kira-kira 78,800 orang.
Miri yang diiktiraf sebagai bandaraya pada 20 Mei 2005 turut didiami oleh kaum Iban, Melayu, Melanau, Kedayan, Orang Ulu, Bidayuh, Penan, Kenyah, Lun Bawang, Kelabit dan banyak lagi.
Penganjuran Rumah Terbuka Malaysia Tahun Baru Cina 2011 di Miri telah memberi peluang kepada penduduk dari negara jiran, Brunei untuk datang dan sekaligus memperkenalkan keunikan dan kemeriahan sambutan perayaan di Malaysia.
Kepelbagaian kaum di Sarawak yang berjumlah lebih 27 suku kaum telah dapat hidup dalam keadaan harmoni dan mendokong gagasan satu keluarga besar, kata Perdana Menteri Datuk Patinggi Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak.
“Walaupun gagasan 1Malaysia baru dilancarkan, tetapi sebenarnya konsep 1Malaysia sudah lama dipraktikan di Sarawak. Ini mencerminkan satu keunikan di Sarawak di mana masyarakatnya boleh mendokong satu keluarga besar di Sarawak, katanya.
“Kita bukan sahaja perlu pertahankannya bahkan perlu pertingkatkan perpaduan yang kita kecapi sekarang ini  iaitu persamaan dalam Satu Keluarga Satu Malaysia”, tambah beliau lagi.
Acara Rumah Terbuka Malaysia Tahun Baru Cina 2011 telah berjaya menghimpunan kepelbagaian budaya kaum di Malaysia seperti Melayu, Cina, India, Bumiputera Sarawak dan Bumiputera Sabah. Penyatuan kepelbagaian budaya ini telah menjadikan acara Rumah Terbuka Malaysia Tahun Baru Cina 2011 berada dalam kelasnya tersendiri dan diraikan secara gilang-gemilang.
Bertemakan Jalinan Mesra 1Malaysia, orang ramai disajikan dengan persembahan kebudayaan dan hiburan berkonsepkan 1Malaysia dengan melibatkan penyertaan pelbagai kaum.
Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Patinggi Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak telah hadir bagi menyempurnakan Majlis Rumah Terbuka Malaysia Tahun Baru Cina 2011. Majlis juga turut dihadiri Tuan Yang Terutama Yang di-Pertua Negeri Sarawak, Tun Abang Muhammad Salahuddin dan Toh Puan Datuk Patinggi Norkiah.
Hadir sama isteri Perdana Menteri, Datuk Amar Rosmah Mansor, Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Dato’ Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim dan Datin Seri Masnah Rais, Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sarawak merangkap Menteri Pelancongan dan Warisan dan Menteri Pembangunan Perindustrian Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr George Chan Hong Nam serta menteri-menteri kabinet pusat dan negeri.
Sepanjang majlis itu, turut disaksikan penyampaian sumbangan komputer riba 1Malaysia kepada 30 pelajar pintar dan miskin serta sumbangan kepada 10 keluarga penduduk miskin.
Acara Rumah Terbuka Malaysia Tahun Baru Cina 2011 telah memberi peluang kepada masyarakat luar bandar untuk turut sama merasai kemeriahan sambutan rumah terbuka peringkat kebangsaan dan berpeluang beramah mesra dengan pemimpin-pemimpin negeri dan negara.
Majlis turut diserikan dengan persembahan penyanyi popular tanahair dan tempatan seperti Jamal Abdillah, Iqwal, Diana Liu, Ricky Anderson dan pelbagai persembahan kebudayaan.

Awang Mohamad Razif bin Awang Yusuf

kluang beach the best

marek g bukit kluang beach..uhuuhuh..the best beach ever...aku akn dtg gak cya gyk 1 ari lak..for sure...kacak!!!!!

ceta hari ini..

to wakaf che yeh

mlm bla ntah kmi g wakaf che yeh n b4 2 g mkn kt blkg ridel hotel..mahal gla...

ceta hari ini..

melawi n church

banjir ni blaku tym tsunami 2004..aku tahun 6

bayangkan..paras air sampai paras dada..

meroyan d church..eheh

mcm bapak tgh cakap ngan anak dia yg form 1

baca bible 2..uhuhu

pewiitttt!!!!mcm artis


2 cute girl...

our driver n jumper is next to him
ceta hari ini..suma pic tu hari jumaat fes cuti...spanjang hari sampai la kami p melawi beach..bez sgt2...such a sweet memory with them...

mlm fes

tok pic mlm fes cuty....mkn2 kt kdey faveret : ROTI CANAI ....
tok la muka2 cdak sama kua..ehehhe...

Monday, October 24, 2011

cuty punya ceta

ceta hari ini..
cuti dh start ari kamis riya dh...bnyk jln la tym cuty tok..mlm fes cty mkurg kua ame2..ahhaha..j mlu ng i..lucu2..jemat mkurg gak melawi..bes lu jak..pogrm kapten ball..ujan gyk ya..mkn dlm ujn jwk..basah2 msk keta..dhla xda mbk bju spare..aga tseliuh plh tym main..jeli kuat alu mlompat..ada urg baru..chen..mlm buk pe umh..eheh..mktb la mksdnya..

sbtu g tmn tengku  anis..shooting an jui .. pn ujn jwk..p bez la..

ahad mlm mkurg sewa keta g wakaf..n b4 ya mkurg mkn kt tmpt nk aku xtau nya wujud kt klate tok..bez da jak..p mahai alu mknn cya...tobat xmaok mkn cya gyk...aku bli jersi klate k kzn ku yg besar..ahahha...bli swtr jwk..da tmu mpuan sama bju an aku gyk ya..lelah alu..tym maok msk gate dlm kol 12 lbh ya..gad xsoh msk..las2 buk pat msk..

n ritok isnin ku xda kua..ngr 49 days pe abis..cdh da jak  ending nya..bp kali ku ngs ngr ceta ya..p bez la len dr len ceta ya..ngr rapunzel n b4 ya ngr brides day!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Taylor Swift - Back To December Lyrics

ceta hari ini..
I’m so glad you made time to see me, How’s life, tell me how’s your family? I haven’t seen them in a while, You’ve been good, busier than ever, We small talk, work and the weather, Your guard is up and I know why, Cause the last time you saw me, Is still burned in the back of your mind, You gave me roses and I left them there to die, So this is me swallowing my pride, Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night, And I go back to December all the time, Turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you, Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine,I’d go back to December, turn around and make it all right, I go back to December all the time, These days I haven’t been sleeping, Staying up playing back myself leaving, When your birthday passed and I didn’t call, And I think about summer, all the beautiful times, I watched you laughing from the passenger side, Realized that I loved you in the fall, Then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind, You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye, So this is me swallowing my pride, Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night And I go back to December all the time Turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you, Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine I’d go back to December turn around and change my own mind I go back to December all the time I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right, And how you held me in your arms that September night, The first time you ever saw me cry Maybe this is wishful thinking, Probably mindless dreaming If we loved again I swear I’d love you right I’d go back in time and change it but I can’t So if the chain is on your door, I understand But this is me swallowing my pride, Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night, And I go back to December Turns out freedom ain’t nothing but missing you, Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine I’d go back to December turn around and make it alright I’d go back to December turn around and change my own mind I go back to December all the time All the time
aritok fes nya cntc aku kak nya anta mz nk nya xkn cntc ku riya...maok tauk pa ku asa?? aku asa tkejut..epy da jwk..n aku da pk nk mkurg mbe maok bet2..p upanya x..nak mkurg da metg skuad teyk..nya mz tym ya..nya mdh "bley mtk ckit " n ku nyk " apa"..n nya mdh "mun dh bencik abg, boh burukkn abg n hina abg”..yup aku ngakuk aku ng over glak mrh an nya riya..n knek ??aku nk nyesal plh suma ya..aku jaik xpat d map kn agyk mun laki len nk grk an aku ..nsb aku grk an nya..sbb nya bet glak n xpndy maok anok2 aku gya..plg trok nya mrh an aku pn nya tkr nama cntc aku kt hp nya..paa ndak ow nama aku kt hp nya knek..aku xkesah mun nya ngkah nama nk trok2..i deserved it..pa2 pn..aku xda tkr pa2 kt aku..wellcome pic lptp aku gyk pic mek 2..n ya xakan btukar slagyk aku xlupakkn nya…nama nya kt hp pn gyk sama (~,^)v…. aku kaie an nya bkn bmksd aku lupakkn nya dh..dh la aku tdo knek msti jak mpi kn nya…cm tadyk ku cam real jak aku tmu an nya..kaka an tym last ku tmu nya d lcct dlok..p maok pasan cgek bnda x??mkurg blm break bna2 pn..upa jak kaie trok p mkurg blm break..sbb nya xstuju riya..n aku lega sbb nya x tgesa2 kdk aku..8lis ku gyk tauk nya gyk syg an aku..bnyk bnda nk aku plh ..plh aku ingt kn nya..xkira nya dr baju2 nk aku pakey..bnda kau guna..pic nya kt notis bod blt aku pn gyk kekal cya..aku xkn cabut suma ya..bia jak cya k ngubat rinduk x bcntc…nya mdh nya xshat knek n aku asa iso alu2..sbb aku tauk ya sbb aku..aku nk plh nya skt..nya mdh tek..trus kn jak block nya d fb..aku asa pn gya jwk..sbb fb la punca mkurg kaie..bgs gyk mun nya xtauk sal fb aku..nya xplu iso la..aku xda chat an ne2 urg..bkomen ya ng ada la slmk tok..bkomen ng ada p xda nk plek2..
sal lirik lagu taylor swift ya ng aku ska lagu ya..sbb lagu ya ng bkait alu an kesah aku..tym aku nyesal2..lagu ya jd soundtrack..ahah..sunyik alu idup xda urg mz bha..aku mdh bez idup xda grk???bulak la..bez nya sbb xda urg control jak p sunyik alu2…ngr hp pn xsmgt dh..gyk ku ingt siang teykk…tba2 jak da mz nya mz tyk..upanya celcom..ala..frust aku..ahhaa..gya kali asa nya dlok tym aku smgu xcntc nya tym akuu d kpg..tym ya nya d kml..what goes around comes around pdh urg..ahhah…

Monday, October 17, 2011

kucing mati

ceta hari ini..kecyan kucing ni kn??terlekat d siling...mati lak 2...ish3...

fitting room virus


ceta hari ini..tok pic aku tym g kuala lipis pahang sempena pgrm anak angkat..